Quotes about kidnappings (11 Quotes)

    All the threats and kidnappings have been of a political nature. It appears that they are saying that international elections observers are not wanted here. But we want to understand beyond that.

    Colombia estimates the AUC has committed 804 assassination, 203 kidnappings, 75 massacres with 507 victims in the first 10 months of 2000, ... boasted that 70 percent of its finances comes from drug trafficking.

    This resolution is a joke, ... because the evidence shows that Pinochet is the author of the 57 homicides and 18 kidnappings and today they are looking for some way to protect him, to reduce the charges.

    A diplomat had been kidnapped, a cabinet minister had been kidnapped, they were under threats of murder. The police forces were rather tired. After a whole week, we were unable to find those that had effected the kidnappings.

    The government appreciates that Kenyans seek employment in these ships for their livelihood and that many ships sail up and down the Somalia coastline without any incident. However, it advises Kenyans to avoid sailing towards the coastline of Somalia due to the kidnappings and hijackings which we are witnessing,

    Today we block the finances of an assortment of terrorists involved in financing and carrying out bombings, kidnappings and murder, ... We will continue to expose and shut down these thugs wherever we find them.

    These kidnappings represent a significant gap in the country's security and undermine public confidence in the ability of both Iraqi government and coalition forces to maintain order and protect Iraqi citizens from violence - whether insurgent or criminal.

    Every day, there are thousands of crimes all over America -- assaults, rapes, molestations, kidnappings, murders -- creating legions of victims and families of victims. But nobody would ever say you shouldn't do a show on the ongoing urban war on crime.

    It's made me aware of the culture of kidnapping here. Since our guys were abducted, there have been over 350 reported kidnappings in Iraq - that's internationals and Iraqis both - and that's just reported.

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