Quotes about kilmer (9 Quotes)

    Ethan Kilmer and Tyler Reed didn't even go to the scouting combine. But that's the funny part of this A lot of guys come under the radar. Guys like Reed and Kilmer might not be draft picks, but they can make teams. Cream rises to the top.

    We got the momentum in game five and we just ran with it. (Kilmer) was just serving phenomenally well. That serve was dynamite. And once she got them a little disoriented, they probably missed a couple they wouldn't normally miss.

    We're delighted to have Val Kilmer join our Volvo for life Awards judging team. His genuine interest in honoring our nation's heroes makes him a wonderful addition to the initiative.

    In this country, the average actor goes to drama school and then perhaps does small parts on British TV, plays a waiter and whatever. And there I was sharing the screen with Christian Slater and Val Kilmer. It's like, did I miss a beat somewhere.

    If Harmony is her character, it also appears to be one of Monaghan's strengths -- her part being sandwiched between the roles of Downey Jr. and Kilmer, a bumbling thief and gay detective, respectively. The trio, according to the Iowa native, clicked from the start. I have to say I was in awe of them, ... These were two actors that I really admired for such a long time, but on the first day they literally said, 'Go for it -- do whatever you want creatively.'

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