Quotes about kilograms (10 Quotes)

    As a bowman it is normal to be prone to accidents as you can easily get in the way of the pole. But usually it comes down on you vertically so you'll get hit by about 50 kilograms. This time it hit me from a horizontal direction with a force of about three tons.

    Of course, we are happy to receive this aid, but at the same time, we are trading our dignity for 5 kilograms (11 pounds) of sorghum, ... The Fulani man has never counted on anybody for assistance, just Mother Nature.

    It's been said eight kilograms (17.6 pounds) is worth two-tenths of a second. You can imagine the challenge that Preston and Dan are up against. To do as well as they do says a lot about their skill and ability to drive the sled down the hill.

    It is an invitation to smuggling of all kinds, whether it is heroin, or weapons, or human trafficking. Instead of bringing in 50 kilograms of heroin, what would stop them from bringing in five kilograms of plutonium

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