Quotes about kingpin (8 Quotes)

    What we're trying to do is to...first of all not to elevate any one person, ... When you put the House bill and the Senate bill on corporate responsibility together...I think we'll have a good product. We're not really focusing on who's going to be the kingpin of where yet.

    It's a film about the pull of the past and the fact that whether you're a rehabilitating heroin addict or an ageing rugby league footballer or even a criminal kingpin, you have to let go of the past in order to live the present,

    The recent natural disasters along America's Gulf Coast - which displaced more than 1 million people - along with surging gas prices and major corporate layoffs have directly and indirectly impacted the Kingpin Million Dollar Challenge and has left us no other alternative but to postpone the event until 2006.

    Fever Pitch was a modest hit in theatres, earning 42 million in the U.S. and Canada. The Farrellys expect to do better on DVD if this release follows the pattern of their other movies. We have done really well by DVD, ... For instance, Kingpin did not do well (25 million) and it was a smash hit on DVD. Check it out. It was the first movie that was ever No. 1 on DVD four weeks in a row that hadn't made at least 75 million. There's Something About Mary was a smash hit -- but it did way, way better on DVD. That's when the world sees it.

    The semiconductors Applied Materials is sort of like a kingpin for that whole industry -- and their earnings. It's going to be very interesting to watch the reaction. Semiconductors actually reached their highs in March. They sold off, and set lower highs in June-July. It's critical that they get through those June-July highs. And so we're going to have to watch them to make sure. They're right now at the lower part of their trading ranges. It's important to watch what happens now,

    I think a lot is happening in the PC business that I think bodes very well for PC demand and they are kingpin, in terms of being able to produce profits in the PC business. So I think they are the leader for the PC companies and I think that that's where you need to look to them.

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