Quotes about knockout (15 Quotes)

    We knew their situation. They came off a tough loss (45-44 Saturday at Texas AM). We knew they'd come out fired up at home. They came out aggressive, but we delivered the knockout late in the game.

    I think I got kind of a worn-out team right now. I can come up with a lot of different reasons, excuses, but we were just flat-out beat. And I did not think we played with the energy we needed to play. We still hung in there, and then we had the knockout punch of that three-minute span, and Illinois deserves a lot of credit for that.

    Batavia has the ability to come out of the gates and knock you out. They've served the knockout punch several times in the first quarter and teams haven't been able to counter.

    I don't know if it's really a crossroads fight. I just know that in my mind, I'm ready for war. To go out there, attack, win, knockout. Short. I'm not going to go for anything less.

    They had a great start to the game. They came out and really tried to throw a knockout punch on us. Fortunately, we were able to withstand it, come back and get our defense set and play some pretty good defense against a high-scoring team in the second, third and fourth quarters.

    The main thing is, it can't be a first-round knockout. I don't know that there's a more focused, motivated team in the country right now. They're 0-2 in the league and they've lost three in a row. They've played a brutal schedule. I'm sure they're not happy with where they are.

    I've learned some lessons in that area. I haven't been in a clubhouse as supportive as this one, with these guys, in a long, long time, ... For us to change any part of that, it would have to be, for me, a knockout, a no-brainer type. You don't want to risk upsetting the chemistry, the flow we have out there.

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