Quotes about kraft (16 Quotes)

    We now have seven product discovery and development collaborations with five of the world's foremost packaged food and beverage companies Cadbury Schweppes, Campbell Soup, Coca-Cola, Kraft Foods, and Nestle.

    When you think of a company building its brand, you automatically think of things like Apple or Sonylarger companies where the company's name is really the brand. When I say Kraft, you probably think of macaroni.

    We're continuing to sharpen our focus on core categories that enable us to benefit from our scale and maintain sustainable competitive advantage. Milk-Bone is a great brand, but has very different retail channel dynamics than other Kraft brands. With the sale of Milk-Bone, we're better able to focus our time and resources on opportunities that provide us with greater potential for long-term growth.

    The greatest college game that I ever broadcast was a Sunday afternoon game at the Palestra between St. Joe's and Villanova, ... Jack Ramsay was the coach of St. Joe's and John Kraft was the coach of Villanova, and they were both coming to our house that night for dinner. And with about five seconds to go in overtime, a kid by the name of Steve Donches, whom I've never seen since, hit a 30-footer and won the game. Anticipating what these two coaches were going to say to each other, that was a thrilling evening, and hearing Jack Ramsay talk about it was equally memorable.

    Investors are unable to get a clear view on 2006 because there's so much noise in the numbers. There's the competitive environment in Spain, there's the impact from Kraft activities and there were currency swings. It doesn't in any way impact the progress made on the domestic product.

    A lot of the reason for the rally is that people think that everything's on the table. You saw a knee-jerk reaction this morning, with people selling on an initial reaction to the news, Europe being down so much and some weak earnings, like Kraft.

    Food companies like Kraft have gotten more and more efficient through better production techniques, lower inventories and stronger quality control. All of that effort has kept prices down but has also reduced the some of the surplus that is available for donation,

    The risk to Kraft stock is unquantifiable at this point. We don't know yet how many of these suits are in the future. But if everybody jumps onto this bandwagon, then it will cost the company a lot of money to defend itself.

    The fact that he comes from Kraft and ran a 6 billion operation, and he's now willing to take on this challenge, is a positive sign. It's also a positive the board has come to the conclusion the restructuring guys have completed what needs to be done and the company is ready to move forward.

    This decision is consistent with Kraft's strategy to shift our portfolio toward businesses in which we have sustainable competitive advantage. Selling this business enables us to better focus our time and resources on opportunities that provide Kraft with the greatest potential for long-term growth.

    Kraft and McDonald's make a lot of money. So legal costs or settlements won't affect earnings. I'm worried about changing consumer attitudes about food. Will people stop buying their favorite brand of cookies because of a lawsuit that says the product is unhealthy

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