Quotes about landrieu (8 Quotes)

    Senators David Vitter, a Republican, and Mary Landrieu, a Democrat, both Louisianans who have a history of bad blood between them, were on the same side today. Senator Landrieu referred to Mr. Vitter as my colleague, ... my partner Mary Landrieu.

    And most of us are. But the decent instincts that drive most Americans are scarce in certain precincts when opportunity knocks. Rep. Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco and Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, the leaders of the congressional Democrats, have been particularly knavish (and congressional Republicans particularly cowardly in confronting the partisan calumny). Mrs. Pelosi gave reporters a heroic (and unlikely) account of how she set the president straight in a private conversation with him. It's not clear whether the Secret Service was standing by lest she, like Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, threatened to punch him out. She called Mr. Bush oblivious, in denial, dangerous. ... Why didn't President Bush return immediately from his vacation

    We have chosen to be very prudent in my view, in taking only one parliamentary option, that is to refuse to allow committees to meet beyond the first two hours, and will continue with that position so long as the Landrieu matter is still outstanding.

    Many folks, including me, frankly, were disappointed that Senator Landrieu a few years ago filibustered and supported that filibuster of Miguel Estrada ... after she had expressed strong support of that very nomination in her re-election campaign,

    The program's long list of supporters includes Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu. The people behind Operation Mend a Heart understand that one way we can support our troops is by supporting the people they are fighting for, the children of Iraq, ... Operation Mend a Heart will help provide the humanitarian medical assistance to the underprivileged children of Iraq who would otherwise not have access to the pediatric medical and surgical care they need.

    It is our honor to recognize the dedication of Archbishop Tutu, Senator Landrieu, and Senator Lugar in making HIVAIDS relief a priority in both the domestic and international debate, ... Every 15 seconds a young person becomes infected with HIV. The work these honorees are doing is desperately needed and they are setting important examples of innovative political and social response to saving our future generations from the HIVAIDS emergency.

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