Quotes about lapses (16 Quotes)

    Led by a prosecutor with GOP ties, Republicans are doing their best to smear Governor Doyle, a man of utmost integrity and honesty who does not tolerate any ethical lapses in his administration.

    We need to communicate more as a team and play an entire game of basketball. We can't take breaks and have lapses like we have been. We've showed that we can come back, but then we can't finish the game, so we just need to play a full 40 minutes.

    That was probably our worst defensive effort of the season. I give Milwaukee credit for some of that, they are a veteran basketball team and they run their stuff very well. Yet, we just made some mental lapses that we didn't make in the first half.

    No matter how corrupt and unjust a convict may be, he loves fairness more than anything else. If the people placed over him are unfair, from year to year he lapses into an embittered state characterized by an extreme lack of faith.

    I think every team has lapses during the season. I think we have come out of this tournament with two wins, and I don't think we played our best basketball. I think that's yet to come.

    We are going to take a lot of good things from Sunday. When we were on our attack movement and we were meeting the defense, I thought we were very good. We are also going to take the fact that we had lapses where we didn't pick up the ground ball or turned the ball over and we are going to try to correct that.

    We had a couple of lapses and they made it close at the end, but it's good to have a win again. When we got ahead, we just rushed. We kind of hurried and made some ill-advised passes. The biggest thing for us was to do anything we can to get a win.

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