Quotes about larrys (13 Quotes)

    There never was a power struggle between Larry and Theo. It was simply mythology. I can assure you as we move forward that Larrys role has not changed at all, and no general manager in baseball could ask for more autonomy than Theo has.

    I was just hoping it wouldn't cause problems, ... Larry's obviously excited about it, but you have to take Priest into consideration as well. He's been the guy here for years. You have to make sure he's OK with it, but he's handled it like a pro.

    Larry's decision has been coming on for a while. It didn't happen over night. He has confided in me for some time about his desire to spend more time at home with his wife and family. That was the driving force behind this.

    There is real hope that Eddy will develop into a league-leading center. If you watched the second quarter of the San Antonio game he was pretty good. That's Larry's job ... to get him from one quarter to four quarters.

    We don't know if it's a hydrating issue or what. He had cramping going on all over his body. For whatever reason, it manifested into a neck strain. He threw a bullpen today. I think Larry's planning on him pitching Sunday for us.

    Despite the attempts of some to portray Theo's return as a win for someone and a loss for someone else, this is a win-win situation. As Theo said in his press conference on Nov. 2, and as we have all repeated, there never was a power struggle between Larry and Theo. It was simply mythology. I can assure you as we move forward that Larry's role has not changed at all, and no general manager in baseball could ask for more autonomy than Theo has. This has never been an issue for us - only in the media.

    We want to make sure Mary has the full benefit of Larry's creativity and strategic thinking. Our global marketing program is one of the critical drivers of our business. A seamless transition -- one that remains sharply focused on our customers -- is essential to our continued momentum.

    Larry's always liked challenges and he'll stick with this. He will enjoy, whether they're winning or losing, he will enjoy coaching them. He will continue to coach them every minute of every practice and every game, because that's what he does. He'll be persistent as hell about it, and they'll listen, they'll get better.

    The guy, for want of a better word, ... has become a Hollywood mogul. It's not so much that he's the guy who co-created 'Seinfeld.' It's the type of show that he created. It's Larry's mind. It's ad-libbing. You want to be a part of it. There isn't any show like this.

    We'd go out in Larry's hippie van and drive out all around Dallas. He loved Chinese food, he'd go in and say. Remember me Major Nelson, me and my friends here are making this show called Dallas, have you got a table for us? It would work every time.

    Right now he has a contract. He intends to honor it, and I'm sure between now and April 1, I'll have discussions with the appropriate people. Larry's been there the last two years and done everything asked of him. He's made the Pro Bowl. He's not been a bad player. If they want to sign someone else instead of Larry and release him, he'll end up playing somewhere else. Players have only so many options.

    I think it's a slap in the face for people to say that we're not going to be a good playoff team because Larry's gone. We didn't make the playoffs last season because of one player.

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