Quotes about latoya (6 Quotes)

    We felt like we had to bring in a scorer, and we really needed somebody who could play both with their back to the basket on the block and could also face at 15 feet and in that could score for us. Latoya is going to give us a very versatile style of scoring.

    We will go on tour, that will be a boost for me. After that I can focus on LaToya. If I didn't have them, so many people would be coming at me right now and I wouldn't know what to do.

    It's going to be the first time in a while that all the brothers and sisters will all be together in one room. Cheryl and I are like Michael Jackson and LaToya Jackson. People think we're one and the same because they never see us together.

    Latoya did a real good job of scoring and rebounding, and the guards did also. They had their confidence going, believed in their shot, it went in and they did what they had to do. (Wily and Collins) are taking a lot of pressure off me. Instead of three people guarding me, it may be two or one.

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