Quotes about lauren (16 Quotes)

    They're not through. They're supposed to put another layer on today or tonight and stripe it the next two days. We're supposed to have (the meet). (Athletics director) Lauren (West) is telling us we're going to have it. It could change at the last moment but she says it is.

    My brother and Lauren are very close with me and they are in Sun Valley, so sometimes I need to go there and feel their presence. And there are times I need to see my bro' alone.

    The focus should not be on me because what I have to do certainly is not near as difficult as what Tony and Lauren are going through. He's a very well organized individual and he looks ahead quite often and puts things in place for us to follow and that's basically all we have to do.

    I think everybody is having had a difficult time. I think in general it's been a very tough apparel cycle, and I think particularly if you're depending on (designers) Tommy (Hilfiger) and Ralph (Lauren) and Liz (Claiborne), apparel has slowed down.

    I have been blessed to have a great staff. Jay Ferguson has been around Jonathan Alder basketball forever and held all the school scoring records until Lauren broke them this season, and the girls have great respect for him. Bruce Gerber has been a great addition this season, especially in planning how to attack our opponents.

    A wonderful, athletic talent, who is a nationally touted goalkeeper, Lauren brings great shot-stopping ability, a strong tactical understanding of the game, and overwhelming courage and tenacity. She will immediately compete for time in the net.

    When I had (Lauren) Tanner and them, that (zone) was actually what they did. When (this team) was in junior high, that's what they did. They haven't played it varsity as much, but they know what we have to do and where we have to go. (Claiborne) is a good basketball team, and (three players) can shoot the lights out. Our kids knew that. We didn't give them any good looks, and they had to work for everything they got.

    Lauren has an intense hunger to return to playing Division I basketball. In junior college, she was a team player that focused on her teams goals first. When we would call to ask about how a game went this year, she was never aware of her own stats, but she knew the score of the game. It was always about her teams success.

    I look for our freshmen to contribute a lot in the relays. We also need them to get into the finals in their respective events, to knock other people out of position to score. Some of the younger athletes, like Lauren Scott , Steven Bach and Terrell Thompson , have the ability to do that. At the Big Ten meet, I tell all of our athletes to focus on beating bodies, not on jumping a certain distance or running a certain time. If you focus on beating people, those things will come.

    I congratulate Lauren on everything she's accomplished this year. She's really worked hard, her aggression and determination have really helped us on the team. I'm always happy to see good kids who work hard get recognized on a national level. I think it really speaks well to her ability to step up for us.

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