Quotes about leavitt (6 Quotes)

    The assurance of a decision by Sept. 1 came in a letter from Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt to Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), chairman of the committee that voted to endorse Crawford's appointment. I have spoken to the FDA, ... and, based on the feedback I have received, the FDA will act on this application by September 1, 2005.

    The United States is unprepared for the next flu pandemic, lacking the manufacturing capacity to provide 300 million doses of a vaccine for three to five more years, Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt said. What we all learned from (Hurricane) Katrina is that sometimes we have to think very clearly about the unthinkable, ... We're not as prepared as we need to be. ...We will not have enough for everyone.

    I still talk to Coach Jim Leavitt all the time, ... He's a piece of work. Gunther and him are real similar in a lot of ways. Leavitt's definitely an interesting guy. I call him every week during the season. I leave a message for Coach, talk some trash, tell him to pick it up, you're soft, stuff like that. It's going to be rough for USF, but we'll be a contender eventually.

    I'm leaving the team in good hands. Coach Leavitt and the rest of the coaching staff will take over and do what they have to do. I know that they will be back to a bowl game. I won't be surprised if they are in a BCS bowl.

    The administration has expressed strong opposition to creating what Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt called a new Medicaid entitlement for Katrina survivors, ... immediate, comprehensive relief.

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