Quotes about leery (15 Quotes)

    The secret of it is to read what you've got in front of you. Don't, if you suspect that something has a double meaning, don't pause. Don't put on a leery vocal expression if you know what I mean on radio. Don't sort of do anything other than read it.

    Country people tend to consider that they have a corner on righteousness and to distrust most manifestations of cleverness, while people in the city are leery of righteousness but ascribe to themselves all manner of cleverness.

    We have some folks who are leery of the computer, but we have a full day of training and then we will have additional help as needed.

    (Running all three races) was entirely her decision, too. She just said today that she wanted to do it. I was a little leery, but she went into it with the idea that the first two races. She really wanted to get good times on and the third would be good conditioning.

    When I did the first one I only signed up for the first one 'cause I didn't want to be contractually obligated to do more than one if it wasn't a good experience. And, I'd never done an action movie and I was a little leery of the whole thing,

    Earnings estimates are really, really weak -- and the focus really is earnings. In October, a rosy picture was painted for 2003. Now people are saying the second half will be good. I'm very, very leery about the economic condition. Come July, August, I'm afraid the earnings estimates will be cut.

    The influence of these huge and powerful corporations on the media leads to a pernicious kind of censorship. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that many of these corporations own and control the media. In 1996 the Seagram Company ran a whiskey ad on an NBC affiliate in Texas, thus breaking the decades-old tradition of liquor ads not being carried on television. Although network television is leery of running liquor ads for fear of offending their beer advertisers, Advertising Age reported that Seagram might have a winning card to play, ... If Seagram came to us with a hard-liquor ad, we'd have to look at it.

    I'm very leery of show business, having been in Los Angeles for the last 10 years. Buzz is a dangerous thing that I've heard applied to a lot of people that I've since not heard of again.

    Some U.S. lawmakers, particularly Democrats, remained leery of the prospect of war even after Powell's speech. Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Massachusetts, said Powell had made a very strong case ... in blood and treasure.

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