Quotes about let-down (7 Quotes)

    We dominated the play in the first half, we just had a let-down on the first goal. On their last goal they had a 3-on-1 on our keeper. Our offense just wasn't there today.

    We sometimes speak of winning reputation as though that were the final goal. The truth is contrary to this. Reputation is a reward, to be sure, but it is really the beginning, not the end of endeavor. It should not be the signal for a let-down, but rather, a reminder that the standards which won recognition can never again be lowered. From him who gives much - much is forever after expected.

    We can't afford to go out and not compete for 32 minutes. It doesn't matter who's out on the court. We had a let-down in the third quarter, and we were in too big of a hole to pull ourselves out of in the fourth quarter.

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