Quotes about levon (5 Quotes)

    Very few guys are just players. Every time I see Levon at Pitt I don't recognize the player we had this summer. He sets screens, he rebounds, he draws charges and every once in a while they throw him a bone. With us he was part of the offence, hitting three-point shots. I just don't think he's developing as a player.

    I think a lot of people underestimated our players. I knew from the first day the freshmen got here that they had a presence and a competitiveness and a work ethic that belied their age. I also thought Aaron Gray and Levon Kendall would be better than people thought.

    The tale of the tape was pretty evident. They wore us out with their inside bodies that they threw at us. The physical presence of Gray and (Levon) Kendall hurt us and their depth really wore us out in the second half.

    It was way out in the woods in a beautiful, huge log studio. Keith Richards came in and did the vocals with Levon. Again, a big party, but we did get a good cut out of it.

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