Quotes about libyans (7 Quotes)

    The real and fatal gap at the heart of the prosecution case is that they haven't been able to lead any evidence at all that could establish that the case containing the bomb started at Malta Airport, ... And without such evidence the case against the two Libyans simply collapses.

    What we need now from the Libyans is not equivocal or conditional statements, but simple straightforward acceptance. We expect their deeds to be the proof of their stated intentions.

    The trial has demonstrated just how weak the case against the Libyans is, and always has, been. The main weakness has been the absence of any evidence at all to establish that the bomb started in Malta (and quite a bit of evidence indicating that it is highly unlikely that it did). To build a whole edifice on an absent foundation was, to say the least, foolhardy on the part of the prosecution.

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