Quotes about licensee (4 Quotes)

    It's a difficult topic, because there's a belief that there's money in this for the licensee. But the corporations typically aren't even sure there will be intellectual property. So the end product of this is tremendous delays.

    I think that's what we're all trying to gather. We've got one proposed licensee saying, 'We'll give you a free arena,' and another saying, 'I can only give you a first-class casino.' Somewhere in between would be the truth, I think.

    This is not about setting up the licensee, this is about deterring both the customer and the licensee from breaking the law. Young people can get into difficulties very easily after consuming alcohol and are not equipped to deal with the consequences, it is our responsibility to protect them. We do this by tackling both the supply and the demand for alcohol.

    We would obviously like that because it fulfills the offer we have had outstanding for a long time. All we are asking from any licensee is that you get out the latest stuff in a set amount of time from its release and you run the compatibility tests.

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