Quotes about lieu (15 Quotes)

    In lieu of any further strike action on the issue, the parties would jointly submit their positions to the regional director of the National Labor Relations Board, who would review and issue a decision which would be binding on the parties.

    We appreciate the concerns for adequate downtown parking. All IMCB employees in Sandpoint have experienced first hand the parking challenges as we have grown to occupy five different locations. Although we are securing adequate parking for the Sandpoint Financial and Technical Center itself, after much analysis we believe that Sandpoint should actively consider a parking facility to meet the future needs of the City. Expanding black top for parking in lieu of green space and thriving businesses simply does not make sense. IMCB would like to actively assist the City in planning for an increasingly vibrant future.

    When is it too late to say it's still early for the Cubs? Try now. Their magic number is 1998, at least until it becomes 1999, but in lieu of a present, they offer you a future.

    My impression is that the oncology community has jumped on this category of drugs in lieu of tamoxifen in a huge number of people much too quickly. When aromatase inhibitors first came out and were tested, it was stage 3 and 4 women. Survival was clearly better than with tamoxifen. Now they're giving it to all these women with stage 1 and stage 0 cancer, who are likely to be cured, and they have no long-term data.

    Mr. Harper's claims that a campaign will turn to sharply negative ads in lieu of a positive message to Canadians has proven prophetic but it turns out he was talking about his own party.

    I don't foresee Redman pitching the rest of the year. That's my take. I might be wrong, but a broken index finger is not real good news for a pitcher. I don't see it happening, especially in lieu of the fact that we have so many young players we still need to get a look at.

    I believe that the addition of the 12th regular-season game would make any playoff even more difficult. I find little support for a playoff among presidents of major universities, and I believe some voted for the 12th game in lieu of that.

    O neglectful Nature, wherefore art thou thus partial, becoming to some of thy children a tender and benignant mother, to others a most cruel and ruthless stepmother I see thy children given into slavery to others without ever receiving any benefit, and in lieu of any reward for the services they have done for them they are repaid by the severest punishments.

    So if you're in another state, what you do is surrender your AAA membership card in lieu of payment. This doesn't jeopardize service if you get a flat later, they can look up your membership number.

    In lieu of not building buildings, we do not have a choice, We are adding 1,000 students per year. We need to be building three schools every two years, and we are not even coming close to that.

    There are a number of consumers I've talked to who have given money to hurricane funds in lieu of gifts. Last year luxury retail was the grand slam .... If this shopper cuts back, it will send Wall Street into a spin.

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