Quotes about limerick (9 Quotes)

    Through being a bowler and then a police officer for nine-plus years, I have become friends with most of the staff at Limerick Bowl. About five years ago, staff at Limerick Bowl and I thought it would be good to get kids to bowl with police officers as an activity for Limerick Bowls Junior Leagues.

    Though it is extremely important for astronauts to be well-rested and alert in space, previous studies have shown that this is not always the case. We are proud that our technology will help the University of Limerick and the ESA to address this problem.

    Limerick have expectations and there should be a big crowd for this opening match as they will be looking to make the best possible start, so it will be a big test for my lad.

    Since this war began our sympathy has gone out to all the suffering people who have been dragged into it. Further hundreds of millions have become involved since I spoke at Limerick fortnight ago.

    I'm more inclined to go back now because Limerick has changed so much. One of the reasons it was such a grim... or the grimmest of all towns, was that it was the only large city or town in Ireland that didn't have a university. So they put in a university about 20 years ago, and it has changed the whole atmosphere of the place.

    Only about 15 years ago, there was an item in my hometown paper... about a young couple arrested on the main street in Limerick for kissing, and fined for public displays of something or other... you're not supposed to do that. That's all changing now.

    I like that were still a little rural. I know development is going to happen, but I think this type of development changes the personality of a region. It might be a good fit for Bethlehem. Its just not a good fit for Limerick.

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