Quotes about lin (12 Quotes)

    I had always assumed we had an unspoken understanding about these things: that she didn't really mean I was a failure, and I really meant I would try to respect her opinions more. But listening to Auntie Lin tonight reminds me once agian: My mother and I never really understood one another. We translated each other's meanings and I seemed to hear less than what was said, while my mother heard more. No doubt she told Auntie Lin I was going back to school to get a doctorate.

    She's played against bigger kids all her life, 5-8 and 5-9 players. She's so physically strong and has such great instincts that 5-3 doesn't matter. Rae Lin has no fear, knows how to play the game and use her body.

    He is just fooling around. Its normal for Lin Dan to drop a set but in the end, he will secure the match. When everyone starts questioning his condition, he will prove his prowess and that's Lin Dan for you.

    The Ramseys' attorney, Lin Wood, told reporters that Monday afternoon's session had been a waste of time. ... overzealous, obsessed special prosecutor from Pennsylvania who long ago lost all objectivity and has no interest in justice.

    When we came back for that pep assembly (Sunday), I think Rae Lin had her picture taken with about 20 kids who were between third and eighth grade. They fell in love with her and they idolized her.

    Between the arrival of the first Su Lin in our country in 1936 and the birth of the second one in 2005, history has not been kind to pandas, with only about 1,600 individuals left in the world today.

    We actually thrive off some pressure . . . because we feel we can get the ball into Rae Lin and others. And once we get past that first wave, we just do a fantastic job of running our lanes and, for the most part, finishing.

    It will be tough to reach the number one spot this year. There is a big difference in points between Lin Dan and I. But I will try to break into the top three.

    People who buy medicines marketed via spam messages are not only encouraging the spammers to send more of their nuisance emails, but are also potentially putting their lives at risk. Daniel Lin is unlikely to be sending any more spam, but there are plenty of other spammers out there prepared to make a quick buck with their unwanted marketing messages. All computer users should defend their email addresses with up-to-date anti-spam software, and remember to never buy goods marketed via spam.

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