Quotes about lindbergh (6 Quotes)

    Many people correctly make the point that our only hope is to turn to God. For example, Charles Lindbergh, who said that in his young manhood he thought 'science was more important than either man or God,' and that 'without a highly developed science modern man lacks the power to survive,' ... went to Germany after the war to see what Allied bombing had done to the Germans, who had been leaders in science. There, he says, 'I learned that if his civilization is to continue, modern man must direct the material power of his science by the spiritual truths of his God.'

    LINDBERGH FLIES ALONE Alone Is he alone at whose right side rides Courage, with Skill within the cockpit and faith upon the left Does solitude surround the brave when Adventure leads the way and Ambition reads the dials Is there no company with him, for whom the air is cleft by Daring and the darkness made light by Emprise True, the fragile bodies of his fellows do not weigh down his plane true, the fretful minds of weaker men are missing from his crowded cabin but as his airship keeps its course he holds communion with those rare spirits that inspire to intrepidity and by their sustaining potency give strength to arm, resource to mind, content to soul. Alone With what other companions would man fly to whom the choice were given.

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