Quotes about line-item (12 Quotes)

    The Congress tends to guard its powers very jealously, now more so than ever. There's nothing wrong with the president educating the public about the line-item veto. But any president has really got to be prepared to use the veto power he already has.

    Montana has a very narrow line-item veto as defined by the constitution and presented by the Constitutional Convention, ... I don't believe the governor can strike a condition without striking an appropriation.

    With a line-item veto, the president could help get special-interest and pork-barrel spending under control. Coming on the heels of last year's record pork-barrel spending, this proposal could not be more timely.

    The Bush administration has spent us into record deficits and piled mountains of debt onto our children, Budget experts agree that the line-item veto would do little to control deficits.

    Unfortunately some members have put some things in there that ... if we still had the tool of the line-item veto we might exercise, ... But on balance we think the right thing to do is to sign the legislation based on the gains for the American people.

    Successful marketers have long-recognized the fact that marketing must be viewed as an investment, and not simply a line-item expense. Like any investment, marketing programs must be evaluated on the incremental returns they generate, and the ability to do that exists today in a growing number of industries.

    The line-item veto is just one element in earmark reform, and earmark reform is just one element in spending restraint. However, the line-item veto would add an important check to a budget process that is tainted by waste, abuse, and favoritism. Congressional leaders should move quickly on this proposal.

    Maybe he can put this back on the radar screen as a focus of attention for conservative Republicans. But it's a lot harder when your own party controls Congress, and now you're talking about the line-item veto because they can't control themselves or the president can't control them.

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