Quotes about litigated (9 Quotes)

    The issue of whether taxpayer money needs, and should, be used for a religion-bashing kind of exhibit like that is a legitimate legal issue to be litigated. Maybe, some day, it will come up to the Supreme Court and we'll see what they might say on an issue like that.

    We believe these types of claims cannot be litigated on a class-wide basis. In deciding whether to reimburse, each third-party payer had different business objectives and, in meeting those objectives, considered and relied on different information, at different times, regarding different patients with different medical histories.

    What everybody misses here is that we are doing the same thing my father did. He licensed and litigated and protected his property, and we have to follow the same tradition, because the way the law reads, if you don't protect it, you lose it.

    He has long-standing ties in the community, and will have an excellent temperament for the bench, ... He has litigated some very complex cases and clearly has demonstrated a keen knowledge of the law.

    What's in front of the Supreme Court right now is whether injunctions in general are compulsory or discretionary in patent infringement cases where guilt has been established and litigated.

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