Quotes about lng (15 Quotes)

    LNG is poised to become a much larger portion of our natural gas supply mix over the next several years. It is important that our Transco pipeline provide its customers with access to growing LNG and domestic supply options, particularly along the Gulf Coast.

    We are already part of a global marketplace in many respects. We import a significant amount of gas out of Canada. And we do see LNG cargoes coming into the U.S. today, subject to a global price mechanism, and we expect that to increase over time.

    Our country sorely needs additional refining capacity, pipelines and other critical energy infrastructure, including LNG liquefied natural gas-receiving terminals. The private sector will make these investments without need of any new government incentives, ... However, the industry needs governments at all levels to streamline permitting and environmental review processes so we can make these investments and add to our energy supplies.

    Mild weather is the culprit. Inventories are plentiful as well and imports of LNG liquefied natural gas and pipelines in the Gulf are passing through ample storage supplies.

    We have been thinking about how to bring in large reserves of gas from Australia for some time and been listening to what Californians have said about other LNG proposals.

    By providing an immediate, daily assessment of global arbitrage opportunities, LNG Intelligence's special netback table gives readers unique perspective on the forces driving this rapidly growing business. This table is a key feature of the publication and an example of the benefits of the collaboration between the two companies.

    The scope of the commission really is very broad. It deals with LNG, but in the whole Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We are hoping it sets some limits on where and how these facilities can be sited.

    We are very pleased to welcome Bill to the Halliburton team. Bill brings exceptional qualities to KBR as both an engineer and a business leader and he is well positioned to lead KBR with his seasoned background in energy, including liquefied natural gas (LNG) and other complex projects.

    To that end, I ask that you order a regional analysis of the Northeasts current and future needs for LNG. Such an analysis should have been the starting point of the FERCs review of both the (Hess LNG) and KeySpan proposals.

    We are beginning to see the creation of a global market for LNG, ... The construction of new terminals to receive natural gas from the far corners of the earth is precisely what is needed at a time when our own domestic production has run flat, yet demand continues to increase.

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