Quotes about lofton (15 Quotes)

    I kind of knew it was coming to Lofton at the end and really, I just stayed with him the whole time. He made a great shot. I was there in his face the whole time. I almost blocked it, actually.

    I think today he wanted to make sure that he did the best job he could. Chris Lofton is a phenomenal player, not just a shooter. He Ferguson stayed as close as he could to him Lofton he crowded him.

    I thought I got a chance in 2004. The last couple months of the season, I was playing every day and playing well. Then they went out and signed Kenny Lofton. I just never got the chance.

    When Howard hit that home run, I thought here we go, ... You know and when Kenny (Lofton) made those two catches in the sixth that really got us charged up.

    I thought Chris Lofton had a phenomenal night. He made some very difficult shots with people hanging on him. But that is the type of shooter he is, so you have got to give him a lot of credit. We (Florida) did a pretty good job defending them - they only shot 31 percent from the 3-point line - but he certainly made tough ones.

    I played C.J. Watson too many minutes, and also Chris Lofton and Andre Patterson. I did not keep them fresh enough to make plays down the stretch. We did not turn Arkansas over a lot. It takes energy to create offense or defense, and we needed more energy.

    I am very excited and grateful to return to coaching. After coach Lofton presented me the opportunity to return, I had mixed feelings. But after much prayer and visits with my family, the administration and coach Lofton, I felt it was an opportunity I could not pass up.

    C.J. Watson is the key to their game. Chris Lofton is having an outstanding year. He's a great shooter. He and C.J. combine for one of the best backcourts in the country.

    In 2002 when he came to the Giants, his impact on the club was immeasurable. Without Kenny Lofton, the Giants wouldn't have wound up in the post-season and the World Series.

    I told Alan, 'They're going right to Lofton,' and I felt like he was going to hit it. I've seen that kid hit that shot so many times, in games and practice. Georgia coach Dennis Felton said he was the best test shooter in the nation.

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