Quotes about loony (12 Quotes)

    I'm accustomed to being top man. I been a bull goose catskinner for every gyppo logging operation in the Northwest and bull goose gambler all the way from Korea, was even bull goose pea weeder on that pea farm at Pendleton -- so I figure if I'm bound to be a loony, then I'm bound to be a stompdown dadgum good one.

    SEEING IS BELIEVING New Zealand's Michael Campbell took some good-natured ribbing after winning the U.S. Open at Pinehurst, where he made frequent visits to the portable restrooms on the course. Turns out, it had nothing to do with a nervous stomach. Campbell's bathroom breaks were for eye exercises that he didn't want anyone to see him doing. They were performed to strengthen eye muscles, allowing him to see the putting line better, improve his focus and help him relax. Campbell started doing the exercises earlier this year after having his eyes tested and being told that one of his eyes was not looking at the same point as the other. Now Campbell goes through a routine every day in which he puts a tee about 15 inches in front of his face and then pulls it in until he sees two tees. Then he pushes it back until he sees one. He then moves the tee in circles and in figure-eights. It all takes about 20 seconds. If I did that in front of the TV cameras, everyone would have thought I was loony, ... So what I do is plot out where all the port-a-loos are.

    I set out eight chairs and called some plays five on zero. If they made a bucket, everyone had to get up. I blew the horn and subbed and they had to give high-fives. If someone was on the floor, everyone ran over and picked that guy up. If you had walked in you would have thought we were loony.

    There was media speculation last week that Oklahoma running back Adrian Peterson was unhappy with the play-calling and the direction of the program. The suggestion that he might quit the team created such a minor sensation that Peterson, who hasn't spoken often to reporters this season, felt compelled to deny the reports. I get upset because I'm competitive, ... But quit and walk off that team That's loony.

    I'm very happy with the way I look. I wake up some morning, catch myself in the bathroom mirror, and go, 'hey girl, you're alright'. But on the other hand, I find the website stuff, and the polls, something completely removed from my own personal life. You can't take anything like that too seriously, otherwise you'd end up in the loony bin.

    I think it would be nice if you could include a greater slant to the growing, happy side of your persona it wouldn't be too hard to assume (as I erroneously did at first) that you were a depression-racked, paranoid loony. Not so much from this issue, but as a general pattern from earlier issues. I've learnt, though. You're not paranoid.

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