Quotes about low-rate (4 Quotes)

    If you carry a balance, you should by all means use this low-rate environment to lower your finance charges and trim your debt. But rather than blindly shop for the lowest rates, consider your credit history and search accordingly. You have to be realistic about your credit, ... If your credit is spotty, don't waste your time applying for a 9 percent rate.

    In 2002, rates on both types of cards are nearly certain to rise. Even fixed-rate cards are no shelter. The jockeying around to find a low-rate card is really only half the equation, ... The real thing to do is pay down debt.

    We all know the answer to tax reform We want a low-rate, consumption-based tax system. And whether it's a flat tax or a sales tax, that's all gravy they're different sides of the same coin.

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