Quotes about luis (16 Quotes)

    Luis was named the best athlete in the country by the YMCA, ... After we played in the Little League World Series, he was named the athlete of the year by the country.

    That Luis' innocence has finally been admitted is cause for celebration, but nothing can erase the 26 years he spent in prison, in horrible condition, separated from his family.

    We thought Will broke his leg, but he has a deep bone bruise. Nelson has horrible shin splints and Luis has a nasty bruise. It's yellow and purple. We've joked around that it looks like some kind of disease, because it's spread over his entire leg.

    Watkins Glen is always a favorite because there are true road race fans out here, ... We did plan to follow the No. 01, but we really thought Scott was going to get in the car. Then it turned out that it was the best decision that we made. For (Riley Technologies owner) Bill Riley and the guys today, that pit stop when Scott changed with Luis and Max came in for fuel and tires played a big role in the outcome of the race. A lot of credit needs to go to those guys.

    You know, this sounds so random, but I would rent out all the rooms in the Madonna Inn - it's in San Luis Obispo, California - and have one final bash with all my friends and loved ones.

    We are delighted to have our top starting pitcher back from last year. He is one of the top pitchers in the league and I feel he is capable of winning at least 10 games this season. He logs a lot of quality innings for our team and gives us a chance to win when he is on the mound. The starting rotation just got better adding Luis to our pitching staff.

    I'd hate to think what the future would be like without him right now. I'm a big Luis Gonzalez fan and I'm glad that we have him under contract for next year and an option for the year after that because I think he's still going to be a big part of this thing.

    It's clear that the race is taking on a momentum of its own the crowd support on the road today was beyond anything we've seen yet. From the start in San Luis Obispo and on through all of the towns along the course, people were out in the thousands to support the best cyclists in the world race to Santa Barbara.

    When I came to live in the United States in February 1996, I came looking for Luis, ... He received me in his house and it was a nice reunion. I heard he was going to baseball tryouts in Coral Springs, so I went with him.

    There is so much pride in Jose Luis Castillo. It is a pleasure to promote him. He is a gentleman and a family man. He is someone who trains and who is dedicated to the sport of boxing.

    Luis Gonzalez has the respect of everybody in baseball, and his opinion is very valued. He's always been a character guy that we respect a lot. We felt that he brings everything we want on this team.

    We had medical reports in which the doctors suggested the player was ready to play. I'm troubled by it. But you take me back to the moment I said Luis Ayala should be able to play, I have no doubt I made the right decision.

    We wanted to take 15 pitchers. It was tough. He wasn't the only one. Luis Rodriguez with Minnesota led the league in hitting in winter ball. But we wanted to keep 15 pitchers. I left a message to Alex and I talked to Luis. With Alex, it's his first year with Boston and I know that's important, too. We just didn't have any choice.

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