Quotes about macabre (7 Quotes)

    The Metropolitan Museum of Art some time ago held a display of contemporary art at which 52,000 was awarded to American sculptors, painters, and artists in allied fields. The award for the best painting went to the canvas of an Illinois artist. It was described as 'a macabre, detailed work showing a closed door bearing a funeral wreath.' Equally striking was the works title 'That which I should have done, I did not do.'

    Both the painting and the lyric have so many characters and a mixture of the real and the made up. They share this love of the grotesque, the macabre, this kind of ghastly sense of humor about modern life,

    It takes a jaundiced view of the much-vaunted glorious past of Africa. And I suppose since then I've been doing nothing but the danse macabre in this political jungle of ours.

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