Quotes about macon (15 Quotes)

    The concern has to do with the problem Macon has with giving resources and support to neighborhoods that it deems are expendable, ... All I wanted was some assurance this had been thought through.

    I think (Macon) will be a great move for us. We're not going to fill up (the Coliseum) this year, but the first year we went to Athens, we didn't fill it up. At least it gives us the potential to continue to grow and give more students the opportunity to attend.

    The Macon area is very attractive to us. It's certainly growing. There's an opportunity for a company like ours that provides more of a customer-service experience than some of the national companies.

    We can't expect that lesbians in Macon and Gainesville will come to our weekly support groups. And it's not realistic to think we can raise enough money for satellite offices, even though there is a clear need.

    If you grew up in Macon, Georgia, the fair was almost like Thanksgiving or Christmas. It was another holiday. The food, the rides. It's just a good time.

    I didn't want to pay the 50 cents it cost to get in, ... They used to have nothing but blocks of people coming from Macon and surrounding cities. It was the biggest attraction.

    We have to understand when we look at retail, we draw from an area that services some 800,000 people. It's much larger than Macon and Bibb County, and that's where we want to be. This all bodes well for us in the retail trade side of the house.

    I've been here for 24 years. I've been up there when we beat Perry in '91, when they had a team with Will Macon and Eddie Benton that was almost like us. We had a team that was determined. I tell the guys, 'This is two of the best going at each other, and they're not afraid of your ranking or your record.' They realize the importance. With one team moving on and the other going home, it raises the stakes.

    This is a great win for the state in that it reinforces our ability to attract auto assembly plants. Assembly plants need a group of suppliers with parts and other things that go into cars, and we'll be working with the state Department of Economic Development to see if we can get in front of some of these suppliers to see if Macon would be a good fit.

    We tried for 12 years and we had some great times in Macon, and we certainly developed some phenomenal baseball players. We just needed to take it one step further.

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