Quotes about mailings (9 Quotes)

    The Companion Program was developed at the request of email senders who wanted become accredited with ISIPP and have the same benefits of accreditation for their main email communications as they are already enjoying for their bulk mailings through their ISIPP-accredited ESPs. We've had a very enthusiastic response to the program, and customers who now have their transactional and corporate email accredited with us include MarketingSherpa and Lockergnome.

    Not everyone can take advantage of the Companion Program, but they may well qualify for our primary Email Senders Accreditation Program. We have lots of email senders accredited through us who do their own mailings, including CNet, Date.com, and IndieWire.

    We send out mass e-mails to the handlers we have signed up, and we include in our mailings to them the dates of our training, ... We make sure that there is a mixture of veteran handlers and new handlers.

    Wilson said most seniors have already received one mailing about the program, but that Congress and the Medicare administration are concerned that recipients ignore the mailings or set them aside as too complicated ... a really good deal.

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