Quotes about maloney (10 Quotes)

    I'm a big fan of Tom's. I was a great admirer of Mike Maloney, but Mike saw everything in black or white. I think Tom has a little more political savvy - not a lot, but a little - and he's been able to accomplish a lot more because of that.

    It was good to see Stroud play so well in the second half. Maloney got in foul trouble and Stroud stepped up. Stroud can dominate anyone. If he puts his mind to it, he's unstoppable.

    The chief justice of the Supreme Court properly discharged the court's responsibility to supervise the judiciary. And from the standpoint of my client, Judge Maloney, we're very happy to have this behind us.

    Rep. Jim Maloney (D-Connecticut) fit the profile of a man in the political cross hairs. He is a moderate Democrat facing a tough re-election race in a swing district. It is an evenly divided district, ... You've got as many people who want you to go one way as the other, so the only real answer to that is just do the way you think is the right solution.

    Theyre not an ordinary team by any means. (The late) Jim Maloney said that shooters solve all your problems, and they have shooters. Villanova deserves to be No. 1 because no one can shoot the ball as well as the four players they have on the court, not even (No. 1) Duke.

    We must look at the role of Lake Maloney in the whole system in order to best manage and conserve water. We are doing what we can to combat drought, and our intention is to get water back into Lake Maloney in time for the holiday season, from Memorial Day through Labor Day.

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