Quotes about manatee (16 Quotes)

    The herd is still expanding. In 2001, the Save the Manatee Club was saying they were on the brink of extinction and it was right about the same time a count of 3,300 came out.

    I have done this to help the girls get united. There is always good competition between the counties (Sarasota and Manatee) with the rivalries and now I'm bringing the girls together.

    The population growth in Manatee County the past two years has been outstanding. Another center would attract new bowlers. Right now, you have bowlers in Bradenton who always go to (AMF Bradenton Lanes), but you have bowlers who live in Lakewood Ranch who

    We want to be the top seed. Manatee has three losses in the district, but they could lose again. We have a very tough week coming up -- three games on the road all against good teams. If we play well, we'll have a chance.

    We think manatee zones can be implemented that protect manatees and still provide reasonable access for boaters. That's been our argument all along, and I think the commission is becoming more and more receptive.

    Mo is one lucky manatee. He was drifting away from land and it was pure luck that the Sea World field crew was available for his rescue.

    If we have some heavy rains this season, as we did a few years ago, there will be some major problems. With the scheduled delays in building the Fort Hamer Bridge, Manatee County continues to get further and further behind in caring for the needs of the residents of this area.

    What we've learned is the Florida manatee is genetically unique, and that it's isolated from manatees elsewhere in the Caribbean and the Yucatan. Because of their low genetic diversity, it causes concern but not alarm.

    I told them at halftime, we needed to calm down and play Manatee Lady Hurricanes basketball. We knew they were going to hit their 3s. We just didn't want them to hit 10 of them.

    Things happen in very mysterious ways. Christmas is a hectic time for us. We had just gotten a break when we could all sit down and then the phone rang. It was Manatee County Animal Services telling us they had confiscated 24 poodles and asking if we could help.

    When he hits his spots and throws that hard, nobody is going to hit him. He could have pitched against Manatee Community College and struck out all those guys.

    A lot of people don't give us credit for being mentally tough. At halftime, I was just like, 'Calm down. . . . Relax, and play Manatee Lady Cane ball. Don't play their ball.

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