Quotes about maple (14 Quotes)

    I was cutting and threading pipe in the tunnels to get water into the shower rooms for athletics. I was repairing old metal windows, fixing cement walls where rain was coming through, and drying out the maple gym floors in hopes of removing the warping.

    We're hoping people will see the value in this and agree to let the city plant a sugar maple in their yard. We all benefit from the beauty of these trees. It's part of the ambiance of this town, and that's not something we want to lose.

    I'm trying leave the program in better shape than when I joined. We want to keep the Canadian pride alive. Thinking back, those years were the best I've experienced in baseball. And I've gotten more out of the game than most that wore that wore the Maple Leaf.

    I like Toronto a lot, it's a good city. The only thing that really annoys me about Toronto is that you're turning Maple Leaf Gardens into a grocery store, which is absolutely nothing short of disgusting.

    Consider the many special delights a lawn affords soft mattress for a creeping baby worm hatchery for a robin croquet or badminton court baseball diamond restful green perspectives leading the eye to a background of flower beds, shrubs, or hedge green shadows - 'This lawn, a carpet all alive With shadows flung from leaves' - as changing and as spellbinding as the waves of the sea, whether flecked with sunlight under trees of light foliage, like elm and locust, or deep, dark, solid shade, moving slowly as the tide, under maple and oak. This carpet.

    I think young John is doing things right for the Maple Leafs, ... At times he will ask me for my opinion, but will not necessarily follow my advice. He is his own man. He knows well that you build a team from the goaltender out. Once you have the goaltending situation solved, then you can begin to worry about the rest of the team.

    I'm excited about having the team over, ... I know there are a lot of Leafs fans in Sweden and in Europe, so this is a great chance for the European audience to watch the Toronto Maple Leafs. I think that's the most fun thing about this whole thing. We are going to focus on practicing and preparing for the season, just the same way we would if we were somewhere around Toronto. I'm sure we are going to have some chances at night to have some dinners and take a look around Stockholm, but most of the focus is going to be on practicing and getting ready.

    To be a member, you'll have to be involved in farm marketing and agriculture at some level. We're still sorting a lot of things out, and defining membership is a challenge. Does a corn maze qualify How about someone with maple syrup or an on-farm gift shop or a bed and breakfast I would say yes because we want the membership to be as wide as possible, knowing that it may be tightened. But at this point, we feel a wide interpretation is the best.

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