Quotes about mariners (16 Quotes)

    We have been very disappointed in the unprofessional and dangerous behavior that some of the local vessels have engaged in during the course of our operations. It is distressing to see the casual attitude that some local Captains take toward marine laws and safety, a matter we take very seriously. On numerous occasions during the past weeks, we have seen small local boats approach our ship in a careless manner, apparently not realizing the danger of their actions. The thrusters that are engaged during dynamic positioning operations present a serious threat to small vessels that come too close, which is why we request a safe working perimeter through the Notice to Mariners. We are seeking legal redress to prevent this from happening in the future in order to avail ourselves of every avenue available before someone is seriously hurt or worse.

    I think the Mariners have made it clear that he's not part of their plans. That's their prerogative. As far as Bucky is concerned, he's appreciative. They let him live his dream. He just would have written the end of the script differently.

    Mariners 2, Athletics 0 Felix Hernandez allowed four hits and a walk in seven shutout innings for visiting Seattle, which left the A's 1 12 games behind in the wild-card race. Hernandez, 19, outdueled Joe Blanton and didn't complain when he was pulled. Felix, if he had a mouth full of nickels, he wouldn't give you change for a quarter, ... He doesn't speak much.

    Jamie is one of the most accomplished pitchers in Mariners' history, leading the major leagues in winning percentage over the last eight years, ... But it is his commitment to making the difference in the life of those in need through the Moyer Foundation that has made people see you as a great baseball player and a great humanitarian.

    It's just stupid and unacceptable to the Mariners. This has sullied the reputation of the Seattle Mariners, and for that it's terribly disappointing. We'll try to eradicate this, and we'll take strong internal action against the transgressors.

    Think back to the teams that considered moving to Tampa Bay. The Chicago White Sox, San Francisco Giants and Seattle Mariners all were considered troubled franchises at one point. Now they're healthy and competitive, and that's what fans care about.

    Griffey was the one person I was able to watch as a kid growing up. I didn't watch too much baseball, but if the Mariners were playing, the game was going to be on. ... He's the guy I tried to model my game after as much as possible.

    We have come to the end of a generation. Dan Wilson is the last connection to a team that saved baseball in Seattle. He will always be a member of Mariners family and we hope to come up with a place for him in the organization.

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