Quotes about market-driven (6 Quotes)

    Nobody does commercial TV out of the goodness of their heart. There has to be a market-driven financial incentive, an economic imperative. Katie was wildly successful for so long, she created a market incentive. It made economic sense for CBS.

    Also announced was the establishment of a new USDA council to create a market-driven credit program that will establish credit transfers for clean water, greenhouse gasses and wetlands. Johanns envisions people selling such credits as easily as corn or soybeans. ... It fits perfectly with the president's vision of a cooperative conservation approach.

    The fact is, the New York Times is a national treasure, like Yosemite or the Navy band. It is not a normal corporation, and it should not be. If you think market-driven journalism is such a great thing, then buy shares in Gannett and subscribe to USA Today.

    ... the flexibility of our market-driven economy has allowed us, thus far, to weather reasonably well the steep rise in spot and futures prices for crude oil and natural gas that we have experienced over the past two years,

    The library's board sees it differently. Ours was a decision to get out of the picture business, ... It was not a decision taken cavalierly, nor was it market-driven. Paintings are simply not part of our mission.

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