Quotes about mascot (16 Quotes)

    The Falcon Press was already in existence when I came to Florence four years ago. I wanted to revive the program and see if we couldn't make it into something really special. We added the area in the hall near the book rack where students can sit for a few minutes and read, and above that one of our parents has painted a falcon, which is the school's mascot, with a book in its mouth. We added spotlights before school started this year so we could spotlight our authors.

    The birth of our party's mascot is not only a proud moment for our party but for the Indianapolis Zoo, ... It's great to know our Republican Party base in Marion County continues to grow -- one elephant at a time.

    You're talking about a Division I (basketball) player being the mascot for football. It's never been about Steve. He enjoys the atmosphere, the student body. People recognize that and come out and support him.

    I guess we have to take credit for this whole thing, ... One year for Christmas, Mike asked for a tacky lawn decoration, and I bought him a flamingo. That year he brought it with him to Old Threshers, and that little flamingo became our mascot.

    We really want to make the announcement the right way. Once the decision for the name is made, you don't want to just say, 'This is the name.' You want to have colors, you want to have a mascot, you want to have uniforms.

    The petition is in no way signing away to one particular mascot. The petition is only to show support for getting a mascot. We are trying to get at least half of the student body to sign so that we can show the alumni and the Board of Managers that there is a want on campus.

    Actually, many years ago, we had a company-wide vote for our informal company-wide mascot, and the choices came down to the Boston tree fern, beef tape worm and a llama. And somehow the llama won the vote

    I didn't do that well in school, although I was voted The Biggest Flirt. I played sports I was on the tennis team and also the baseball team. But the coolest thing I did was that I dressed up as our school mascot, Freddie Bird, for all of the football games.

    I guess that the FSU exemption will be interpreted the way people want to see it, whether it is a red light or green light. The National Congress is going to stay vigilant and work so there aren't glaring examples of racism and stereotyping involving the use of a mascot or logo that will be exempted from the NCAA's historic decision.

    After the game, most of the Trojans, decked out in their all black travel warm-ups, carried pizzas onto the bus for the short flight back to Los Angeles. One of the last players out of the locker room was White, who had gotten his hands on an Arizona State towel with the team's mascot Sparky on it. Right above the devil White had scrawled the word, 'KILLA' and hung it from his waistline for all to see. Two years ago in the same building, with USC down in the second half, White ran for 140 yards and two touchdowns to lead USC to their first of now 26 consecutive wins. I love playing here, ... I don't know if it's the heat or what, but I love this place.

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