Quotes about matures (16 Quotes)

    I think Erik has a lot of the same qualities that Peyton Manning had when he came in as a freshman and sophomore, ... Erik has the ability to be, I think, one of the finest quarterbacks in the country as he matures. How fast he matures depends on how much leeway we continue to give him.

    The international business is really the growth story for eBay, especially as the U.S. market matures. However, there was a significant material decline in revenues overseas in the fourth quarter.

    Generally dairy hay is tested in order to gage animal performance. Animals will perform better with higher-protein hay. As hay matures though, protein goes down, so we've devised a hay check to help farmers out.

    Our troops are committed to bringing security to Iraq while its government matures. American forces will continue to accomplish their mission with caution, precision and honor with the thanks of a grateful nation.

    Everyone matures. When I was Newt's age, I thought I had the right answer to things. The baby-boomers as political leaders are still on trial by the American people.

    Brock's a young sophomore, he just turned 15, but he's already a heck of an athlete. Once his body fully matures and he realizes how good he can be, he's going to be tearing a lot of people up on the mat.

    As Mono matures, people will begin to use it to write desktop components that take advantage of all the hard work that's gone into some of the meatier GNOME libraries, as well as the nifty language features of C.

    One can get lost in their garden and the rest of the world ceases to exist, if only for a while. Anger disipates with every shovel of dirt moved, pleasure is found in the simplest forms, excitement is felt as each tiny plant matures and then triumph with the harvest of the first tomato of the season. The love of gardening never goes away. Even if someone is unable to garden themselves, they enjoy the gardens of others.

    As the e-commerce market matures, you're going to see more software package solutions. Even Oracle is getting into the applications business. There is much more packaging on the software side to facilitate seamless scalability.

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