Quotes about maximizes (15 Quotes)

    A true community maximizes the potential of whatever human resources exist within it (by allowing for all possible combinations), while networks minimize such utilization, since it's limited by each individual's capacity to absorb unsettling stimuli (new combinations).

    The first thing we need to do in response to these climbing prices is get our house in order. The U.S. needs legislation that addresses our energy problems, provides incentives for alternative energy, improves energy infrastructure, maximizes domestic resources and addresses the fact that the energy crisis we face now isn't going away.

    At one point in time, I thought he'd be a first-round pick. He's not productive enough, he's up and down, he flashes. He's got that huge frame. I put him in the second round to Oakland. Somebody in the second round is rolling the dice. If you ask me where he grades out, he doesn't grade out that high. Because you want that guy inside that makes more plays, makes more of an impact and maximizes that ability on a game-to-game basis. That's not a Gabe Watson. I'd say second round and a roll of the dice pick.

    The stakes are very high in how we construct the future of the Internet, ... Do we want a winner-takes-all scenario for whichever company ultimately creates that particular piece of intellectual property that maximizes interoperability (across systems) or do we want to create a commons

    The show is a study in stardom. Here is a performer who knows who she is, understands her gifts, and maximizes every moment on stage to give the audience the very best of her talent.

    Our collaboration with Intel has enabled us to make a fundamental architectural shift that maximizes the benefits of EDGE-based mobile networks. We chose the Intel PXA9xx cellular processor because it provides us with the increased processing horsepower we need for future wireless applications, without compromising battery life requirements. The combination of Intel's XScale technology with RIM's wireless firmware and BlackBerry applications is groundbreaking. Working with Intel, we will continue to build on the strong BlackBerry value proposition of delivering mobile business applications with a compelling user experience.

    This seems like a bad idea to have two cones so close together. But it turns out that the closeness of the M and L cone sensitivities allows for an additional dimension of sensitivity to spectral modulation. Also, their spacing maximizes sensitivity for discriminating variations in blood oxygen saturation.

    You knew that he was a fit because of what he brings in terms of after the catch. Nate always looks to make a short play long and always maximizes his game. It was worth what we had to go through and yes, there were some periods of not knowing, but the goal was always to bring him into the fold.

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