Quotes about measurability (4 Quotes)

    The information that comes out of search is transferable to other kinds of marketing. It has measurability and accountability, which are wide open in other areas. Most agencies competitively aren't set up to manage their business from a spreadsheet the way search marketers do. They shouldn't be nervous, but they should be putting energy into understanding metrics.

    This is such a new market for advertisers that only some are willing to test the waters before knowing what they're getting for their money. They see the value of videogame advertising in that this is a highly sought-after demographic and difficult to reach through other media. And they'll base their decisions on some of our data that we're doing in a custom fashion. But, for video game advertising to hit critical mass, we need to have that ongoing metric. That's when we'll see explosive growth, like the 56 compounded annual growth we saw in Internet advertising, which we believe is largely due to the measurability of that medium. We think we're going to see similar types of compounded annual growth for video games once we get measurement.

    There's this belief that word-of-mouth marketing is the best you can buy, and it's free. A lot of it is taking place on the Internet and you can track it. Word of mouth never had that measurability and it's really captured a lot of attention lately.

    Video is the future of digital advertising - no other advertising vehicle combines the sight, sound and motion of television ads with the interactivity, targeting and measurability of the Internet.

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