Quotes about medicares (8 Quotes)

    As a result of the strong competition in Pennsylvania, Medicare coverage will include options that cost less and also that provide coverage that goes beyond Medicare's standard benefit, ... With better opportunities to save and to get the coverage that works for you, it's about time to start thinking about how you or someone you care about can take advantage of the new coverage.

    The enormous cost of this proposal will only hasten Medicare's insolvency, and we'll have to rely on future Congresses to have the political courage that this Congress lacks,

    You can look at that by comparing Medicare's growth rates to the private insurance world, to the other Federal programs that we run, by looking at the billions of dollars, not millions but billions of dollars, we waste every year.

    President Bush's pledge to halve the budget deficit by 2009 distracts policymakers from the real issue of unsustainable trends in long-term entitlement spending. The president's proposal to slow Medicare's 9 annual growth rate is a good fiscal step, but the budget does not propose enough immediate and bold reforms to the quickly growing entitlement programs that threaten to overwhelm the budget.

    Lawmakers will need to adjust Medicare's payments to realistically compensate doctors for the extra time they spend on assessing geriatric patients and coordinating geriatric care teams.

    The FDA also encourages consumers to learn about potential savings through Medicare's outpatient prescription drug coverage, ... This new program comes at a time when five out of six people aged 65 and older are taking at least one medication, and almost half of all elderly people take three or more.

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