Quotes about medium-size (7 Quotes)

    The problem with small- to medium-size businesses is bigger because they don't have the time to deal with it. And typically at remote offices, you have a limited amount of IT resources.

    Still, even when you concede that Sarbanes-Oxley performed a public service--by spurring companies to clean up their acts--the fact remains that the law has created inequities, especially for small companies. Even Oxley himself has begun backpedaling. In a recent speech in London, he recalled the hothouse atmosphere ... a bit more flexibility for small and medium-size companies.

    This agreement is good news for both Canada and China, ... It provides significant access to the Chinese market for not only large -- but also small and medium-size -- Canadian enterprises and brings China one step closer to membership in the WTO.

    Big companies have a lot of cash on their balance sheet, and there are a lot medium-size companies that are looking to get bigger by merging with a larger company.

    Neither of those companies makes a significant portion of their money in the segment. It's a low-margin business. It's not bad business, but it's not going to move the needle more than a big defense contract, (or) maybe even a medium-size defense contract.

    It's God's timing, not ours. But probably the most likely buyer from a practical point of view would be a medium-size church that has been going through a growth and is faced with a decision of building or stop growing. We could give them much more space for the same money.

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