Quotes about medium-term (14 Quotes)

    Most importantly, the medium-term fundamentals remain very good. Asian trade remains a great fit for our bulk exports and our Vancouver gateway for import-export containers.

    There's a high chance of a rate hike in March, and the probability of another move the following month is growing because the euro-zone economy is getting better. The euro could be a choice buy in the medium-term.

    We remain solidly on track to deliver our 2006 financial goals of double-digit earnings per share growth and mid to upper single-digit revenue growth. We continue to make progress on our medium-term goal of 9.5 percent operating margins.

    We stand by the assertion that a quarter percent better fed funds rate will NOT make the critical difference to medium-term andor long-term gold investors.

    Investors were more sensitive to bond negative events this week. Bonds were sold ahead of the report on core prices yesterday and I bet people who held medium-term notes, such as five-year securities, lost a lot of money.

    Under the microscope it is clear that an important watershed is approaching. The short-term downtrend is about to come into conflict with the medium-term uptrend. Typically we would side with the longer-term move but the length of the downtrend from the high is a major cautionary note.

    We've seen markets get ahead of themselves in bonds and in currencies as well. There are signs that markets have now gotten too optimistic about not only the size of the U. S. recovery, but the speed our medium-term forecast is still very much of euro strength and dollar weakness.

    There is a group of people in the market who want to buy at the auction. The five-year sale will probably give medium-term debt a chance to rebound.

    There's a high chance for a rate hike in March and the probability for another move the following month is growing, because the euro-zone economy is getting better. The euro could be the choice to buy on a medium-term perspective.

    The switch is presumably to squash speculation that they are embarking on a new sequence of rate cuts, ... This is sensible -- they can always change their mind if they have to, but in the near term it will quiet the markets. It is also consistent with their medium-term view that the economy will indeed recover in the not-too-distant future.

    The market has already come to the conclusion that the medium-term impact of Katrina will be negligible if not net positive, therefore weak figures in the near term won't have any bearing. The market is now looking for a Fed move next week.

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