Quotes about meds (8 Quotes)

    We just did the best we could, and got the doctor's advice on what was comparable to the meds people were asking for. We were also able to get some clean supplies like bandages, ointments and creams.

    Well, you have absolutely no idea what a nightmare it was to be on a set, trying to figure out how I was going to find out what time it is, how I was going to get my meds, and at the same time not have it be obvious to someone.

    Now, I'm down to 162 pounds, and have dropped from taking seven meds a day, down to one med, after blood pressure and cholesterol began dropping dramatically, and my body began producing insulin, thus reversing the insulin resistance and that problem too has been eliminated,

    It was a basic run-through of how we would facilitate our SNS, or strategic national stockpile plan, which is how we dispense meds to citizens in La Salle County, whether it's medication or vaccination.

    Today the petty officer running the pharmacy asked us for some meds that neither of us had. We told him that we might be able to obtain the needed drugs from another source. My other source,

    We are going to work directly with the pharmacies to make sure that people who fall into this situation don't leave a pharmacy without the meds they need or pay more than they need to.

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