Quotes about meningitis (6 Quotes)

    This is analogous to what is colloquially known as being punch drunk, ... We believe the microscopic changes in the brain are consistent with chronic traumatic encephalopathy or a degeneration over time that set the stage for the final result. The meningitis was not bacterial or viral or the kind you see in college dorms or army barracks.

    There is a situation at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette that public health is monitoring. Three students have contracted meningitis and one has died from a blood infection that has the same bacteria as meningitis. Our office is working with the university to address the situation.

    We're evaluating a case of meningococcemia, a bacteria that can cause meningitis or a blood infection. When someone gets infected with that bacteria, half of the cases develop meningitis, a third develop infections of the blood.

    We need to get the back closed. The concern here is meningitis. If the baby gets an infection on the back, that infection can spread to the coverings all over the brain and the baby may die, so time is of the essence.

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