Quotes about methane (10 Quotes)

    The instruments are now being used to monitor a significant number of key tropospheric trace gases including formaldehyde, methane, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide and dioxide,

    We detected alarmingly high levels of methane gas and benzene vapors in July. In the right concentrations, methane gas is explosive and benzene vapors can cause cancer.

    The results frankly were a shock, ... We can see human fingerprints all over atmospheric methane emissions for at least the last 2,000 years. Humans have been an integral part of Earth's carbon cycle for much longer than we thought.

    We now have the specter that new forests might increase greenhouse warming through methane emissions rather than decrease it by sequestering CO2. This paper will undoubtedly unleash controversy, not the least of which will be political.

    We find that CO2 is about 30 higher than at any time, and methane 130 higher than at any time and the rates of increase are absolutely exceptional for CO2, 200 times faster than at any time in the last 650,000 years.

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