Quotes about michigans (16 Quotes)

    Using computer technology to shoot at caged animals from a distance is a corruption of our proud hunting traditions, ... This practice is nothing more than a live-action video game, and I am proud to stand with Michigan's outdoor enthusiasts in opposing it.

    The current confusion over inland tribal hunting and fishing rights benefits no one and casts doubt over Michigan's ability to appropriately manage its natural resources,

    With Michigan's economic future on the line, we can't afford to have our 500 local school districts marching in different directions. Instead, we need a high standards, mandatory curriculum to get all our students on the road to higher education and a good paying job.

    It was just so representative of playing at Michigan. We did something we just don't do. It's part of Michigan's athleticism but also playing in this environment. We just played slower, paralysis by analysis.

    If honesty is the best policy, surely Michigan's accurately described, fully disclosed college affirmative action program is preferable to achieving similar numbers through winks, nods and disguises.

    That's practically business as usual. Given Michigan's recession and Detroit's past budget difficulties, it's not what I'd hoped for. But there does seem to be some restraint here, and that's a silver lining. Thirty-five million is a tiny increase in regards to the budget.

    People in Michigan, by a 2-to-1 margin, blame President Bush rather than the governor for Michigan's economic problems. While her job approval ratings are up from being below 50 percent in August through October, they are not at the 60 percent level she once had.

    The One-to-One Institute is the catalyst for changing the way teachers teach and students learn based on the proven result of Michigan's Freedom to Learn program. With our guidance and resources, states and school districts can begin to fully integrate technology as the key ingredient in reform and transformation.

    As a Michigan senator, I feel a special responsibility to protect the Great Lakes. They are not only a source of clean drinking water for more than 30 million people but are also an integral part of Michigan's heritage and its economy.

    From an economic development perspective, given the attention that the automotive industry is giving to this particular fuel choice, it's in Wayne County's, and ultimately the state of Michigan's, interest to be prepared to participate in the E85 rollout.

    This agreement will mean great things for Michigan's students and great things for Michigan's economy. Michigan needs the best-educated work force in the country to succeed economically, and these changes are a giant leap in that direction.

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