Quotes about mid-cycle (6 Quotes)

    We've seen investment in capacity go up quite a bit and we had a scare this summer with wireless. So you can make a case that the business is in trouble. We try to focus on slightly longer-term fundamentals. The relationship between spending and revenue in this business is still reasonable. Visibility is still good. Pricing is good. Let's not forget, wireless handset demand is growing 50 percent over year-on-year. So with stocks down a bit and the fundamentals still solid, we though it was time to declare the mid-cycle correction over.

    It's mid-2005, and we're having a mid-cycle slowdown, not a recession, ... The problem is this bull market is old, the Fed is tightening and inflation, though benign, is going in the wrong direction.

    The concerns that underpinned our mid-cycle correction thesis are beginning to dissipate, and semiconductor stocks globally are well below their March highs. We would advise investors to begin buying semiconductors more aggressively.

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