Quotes about mid-march (13 Quotes)

    I started thinking about South Africa two days after the Italy game in mid-March, that's just the nature of the beast. We've played a lot of physical teams in the last 12 months but this is the ultimate challenge for us physically and we're playing them in their own backyard, so it will be really tough.

    It was great experience last year to race against world-class athletes. But I decided to give the race a miss because I want to concentrate on defending my national titles, and I want to run well at the world championship trials in Nottingham in mid-March.

    Oil and natural gas prices have fallen sharply from their post-hurricane highs. However, production from the Gulf of Mexico is still down by more than 15 percent, keeping supplies tight. As of mid-March, the national average retail price of diesel fuel was around 2.55 per gallon, 60 cents below the record set after Rita but 35 cents (16 percent) higher than a year ago.

    Until we get a program in place at our landfill sites, sometime about mid-March, people will do what they've always done. Just hang on to them.

    We'll begin the screening process on Monday. Our timetable is to have someone by around mid-March to the first of April, but we hope we can have someone a little earlier than that, possibly in time for the March school board meeting.

    The Internet stocks have been under pressure since mid-March. The Internet, as a group, is down more than 50 percent. Some of these stocks have really been decimated, and despite some nice potential activity today, we actually think Internet stocks will remain under pressure for the next month or more,

    We had hoped to provide more advance notice of season dates to help them select their vacation days. That is what license buyers had asked for, however, since the deer data will not be available until mid-March and bear and wild turkey results were just made available, the board and staff concluded more time was needed before taking final action on the 2006-07 seasons and bag limits.

    Clearly, we have been through a wintertime drought, with snow sampling stations essentially snow-free until mid-March, and the poor winter conditions leaving low stream flow volumes.

    Everything is now in place to launch definitive testing in mid-March. At that time we will be conducting two testsdemos with various government agencies and authorities. While we are disappointed in the scheduling delays, we are charting some new territory and we want to be assured that our system is operating to the exacting standards required to achieve desired results.

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