Quotes about mid-to-late (8 Quotes)

    Expectations were for improvements in the economic news, but the reports today have surpassed those expectations, so you have investors finding more encouragement than they did in the reports released in mid-to-late November.

    The big thing is that we get to honor Tom. Tom started our program here at Waverly back in the mid-to-late 1960s. It's very fitting for Tom. He would have enjoyed watching this type of meet.

    China is at a point in growth where South Korea was in maybe the mid-to-late 1960s. It took Korea another couple of decades before it got to a situation where it was a much more consumer-reliant economy.

    He's really playing his senior year of college in pro football. You can't lose sight of that. I never do when you pick juniors. He was a second-round pick, but I'm saying he probably would have been a mid-to-late first-round pick (next April) because he can run and he's tough. ... He's a guy who's gotten better.

    I think there are obviously a few details that need to be worked out. But it sounds like guys are going to have the opportunity after mid-to-late September, if they want to take a big chunk of time off. And I think what that will do is allow guys to have more time off.

    I feel light-years better than I did last year coming into the season, ... I think they figured everything out. I haven't had any problems at all. I've been playing since early August. Mid-to-late September is when I started to feel like myself again. I've also lost quite a bit of weight.

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